I need to contact the owner of a .NU Domain Name

Due to European privacy requirements, .NU registrant privacy works as follows:

If a .NU Domain is registered to an individual, then the registrant contact details remain private.

If a .NU Domain is registered to a corporation or other organization, then the company details portion of the contact details are made public. In other words, the company name and address etc are public; but the name and email address of the contact individual remain private.

If you need to contact the holder of a .NU Domain for one of the following reasons:

  1. You wish to acquire the domain;
  2. You have a technical need to contact the holder;
  3. You have a legal need to contact the holder

Then you may submit a message to the holder using a communication request form.

To reach the communication request form, please do a whois lookup of the domain here.

After a succesful whois lookup, there will be a button that reads, "View registration info"

Select the button to see the whois results.

In the bottom of the search results section, the last option reads, "Contact the domain holder"

That link will take you to the form page used to contact the domain holder.

You will need to select one of the following reasons from the drop-down form:

  • I'm interested in acquiring your domain name
  • I want to come into contact with you for technical reasons
  • I want to come into contact with you for legal reasons

In order for your request to be considered, you must be submitting it for one of the above three reasons.

The domain name portion of the form will be pre-filled based on the domain name that you entered for the whois lookup. You will need to enter your email address, your name, and your phone number; and accept the Privacy Policy.

The Swedish Internet Foundation's form for reaching out to the domain holder is only to be used for the purposes specified in the form.

There is no guarantee that the message will reach the holder or that the holder will choose to respond.


  • .NU domain, .nu, whois, privacy
  • 0 Els usuaris han Trobat Això Útil
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