Validating Contact Details

If you have registered a new domain name with us, or if you have updated your contact details, or if we have updated your contact details for you; we will send you an email from our support desk asking you to validate the new contact details.

This email will be from "" with a subject line reading in part, "Please confirm your contact details"

This email will contain a link to asking you to validate your contact details.

When you click on this link, you will see a web page with two or more check boxes to mark in order to complete the validation: one or more checkboxes to verify your details, another agreeing to the Terms and Conditions. This process is due to registry regulations and if it is not followed, your domain name configurations will not take effect; instead, visitors will see a "pending validation" message when they try to visit your website.

Once the contact details are confirmed, the website for your new domain will be active.

From time to time, if we notice that the contact details for your domain are out of date or otherwise incorrect, we will update your details and/or send out a confirmation notice.  This usually happens if the email address of your domain name contact is rejecting emails, or if there is no personnummer or corporate ID number associated with your contact.  Such an ID number is now required by the .NU registry.


  •, corporate id number, personal id number, personnummer, .NU domain
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